New Genesis Productions
The Complete Works of Shakespeare
The Journey Continues...
His final Act
Winter: February 10th - March 16th 1:00-4:00PM
Spring: April 6th - May 19th 1:00-4:00PM
Final Presentation May 19th, time TBA
(6 sessions, no class 5/4)
For Ages 9-12
Winter Sessions will be held at The Olive Legion Hall in Shokan, NY, Spring Sessions will be held at The Little Globe Theatre in West Shokan, NY
As we continue exploring Shakespeare's plays chronologically as he wrote and lived them, we come to the final stage in his career. How did the plaque affect producing theatre in this time? What was happening in his life that stimulated his imaginative choices at this point in his career? Is The Tempest his swan song?
Well, we will find out!
In the Winter classes we will read and play through the final plays which include: Timon of Athens, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winters Tale, The Tempest, Henry VIII, and yes even The Two Noble Kinsmen.
In the Spring classes we will select the best moments from all these plays to create a final presentation for May 18th for community. and family.